Machine Learning Topics

Step by step guide to becoming a modern ml developer in 2023

A3C(Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic) SVD(Single Value Decomposition) Supervised Machine Learning Unsupervised learning Linear REgresion Decision Tree Logistic regression Naive Bayes SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE Gaussian Mixture Models: Hierarchical clustering K-means: DBSCAN HDBSCAN Fuzzy C-Means Mean Shift Agglomerative OPTICS APRIORI ALGORITHM T-SNE NumPy Pandas Plotly Evaluation Metrics resources Classification Metrics Regression Metrics CONFUSION MATRIX Accuracy Precision Recall F1 Score ROC AUC R Squared Mean square error What is Mean Absolute Error (MAE)? Ada booster Association rule learning Binning Spares values resources Binomial Distribution: Catboost Resources Eigen vectors Fast API GradientBoost resources Inverse Reinforcement Learning What is Matplotlib PANDAS: What is RL? What is Reinforcement Learning? RIDGE REGRESSION Safe Reinforcement Learning SimCLR SimCLRV2 Tensorflow Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer Universal Sentence Encoder Waveglow :- What is Word2Vec? XGBoost: Ada booster Underfitting Add exploding gradients What is Adversarial Regularization? Bayes Theorem What is bigram BYOL CV DALL-E 2 Resource Data scrubbing Elcat Algorithm Eigen vectors Eligibility Traces resource FEATURE EXTRACTION Introduction to FP-trees Handling Missing Values Lasso Regression Resources for Beginners Lemmatisation Loss Function MICRONOMIAL DISTRIBUTION RESOURCES MOMENT GENERATING FUNCTION Monte Carlo Reinforcement Learning Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation Resources Normalisation Add Numerosity Reduction Resources OpenCV resources Orthogonalization Resource orthonormalisation resource Principal Component Analysis Penalties Polynomial Regression resources Pooling Resources Projections resource Introduction to Proximal Policy Optimization(PPO) what is R2 Random forest algorithm Random projection Radial Basis Function (RBF) Recall resources Resnet Sampling Sci-Kit Learn Introduction to Simultaneous Localization And Mapping(SLAM) sensitivity resource SVM Gaussian Kernel resource Transformer XL Resource Unbiased Estimator XL NET Supervised Learning

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by Devansh Shukla

"AI Tamil Nadu formely known as AI Coimbatore is a close-Knit community initiative by Navaneeth with a goal to offer world-class AI education to anyone in Tamilnadu for free."