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Lets build ground station

What are LEO satelites?

LEO satellites, or Low Earth Orbit satellites, are a type of satellite that orbits the Earth at a relatively low altitude, typically between 160 to 2,000 kilometers (about 100 to 1,200 miles) above the Earth’s surface. They complete an orbit of the Earth in a relatively short period of time, typically between 90 minutes to two hours, which makes them well-suited for applications that require frequent coverage of a specific area, such as Earth observation, remote sensing, and communications.

yes😊you are right we will build a ground station which will recieve data from the LEO satellites.

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by Devansh Shukla

"AI Tamil Nadu formely known as AI Coimbatore is a close-Knit community initiative by Navaneeth with a goal to offer world-class AI education to anyone in Tamilnadu for free."