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TD(lambda) resource

In short and a straight forward manner, Eligibility Traces is a kind of mathematical trick that improves the performance of Temporal Difference methods, in Reinforcement Learning.

Here are the benefits of Eligibility Traces:

Provide a way of implementing Monte Carlo in online fashion (does not wait for the episode to finish) and on problems without episodes. Provide an algorithmic mechanism that uses a short-term memory vector. Computational efficiency by storing a single vector memory instead a list of feature vectors. Learning is done continually rather than waiting results at the end of an episode.

visit the following resources to learn more:

-TD(lambda) resources -Lambda Functions -TD Learning -TD (Lambda)

Resources Community KGx AICbe YouTube

by Devansh Shukla

"AI Tamil Nadu formely known as AI Coimbatore is a close-Knit community initiative by Navaneeth with a goal to offer world-class AI education to anyone in Tamilnadu for free."